Take action

Individual actions, while vital, are only a part of the equation. To effect systemic change, we must advocate for protective legislation.

Here are two ways you can do that. Write your state representatives asking them to pass the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act if they haven’t done so yet. And contact your senators and congresspeople urging them to ensure that the 2023 Farm Bill includes a continuation and expansion of the Heirs Property Relending Program, including additional support for producers and forest landowners trying to keep land in their families for farming, ranching, forests or grasslands. Active participation in town halls or community meetings further underscores the collective voice, ensuring that the community's concerns resonate.



One of the most fundamental steps families can take to safeguard their legacy is to legally secure their land. This isn't merely about holding a title; it's about understanding the intricacies that come with it. Regular consultations with attorneys to ensure transparent wills or trusts are essential. Such legal instruments not only preserve the land for future generations but also stave off potential disputes that arise from heir's property complexities. Being proactive by consistently reviewing property documents and considering mediation in disputes can further fortify the security of one's legacy.

Not everyone can afford an attorney or decipher property laws, but there are several things you can do with free or low cost resources to reduce your risk of land loss including the following….